
Adverb Meaning in Hindi Explained for All Levels

Language is a tool of communication that allows us to express a vast array of emotions, ideas, and actions. Among the fundamental elements of any language are Adverbs, essential parts of Grammar that modify verbs, adjectives, or even other adverbs. To truly understand the meaning and importance of an Adverb, it’s crucial to explore its role and significance in both English and Hindi.

What is an Adverb?

To answer the question of What is Adverb, it is important to first define it within the context of Grammar. An Adverb is a word or phrase that modifies or describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. It typically provides information about how, when, where, or to what extent an action is performed. For example, in the sentence “She runs quickly,” the word “quickly” is an Adverb because it tells us how the verb “runs” is being performed.

Adverbs can also modify adjectives, as in “The movie was incredibly exciting,” where “incredibly” modifies the adjective “exciting.” Additionally, they can modify other adverbs: “He completed the task very quickly.” Here, “very” intensifies the adverb “quickly.”

In Hindi, the term for Adverb is क्रिया विशेषण (Kriya Visheshan). Just like in English, an Adverb in Hindi modifies the verb (क्रिया) and gives additional information about the manner, time, place, or degree of an action. For example, in the sentence “वह धीरे चलता है” (He walks slowly), “धीरे” (slowly) is the Adverb modifying the verb “चलता है” (walks). It explains how the action is taking place.

Types of Adverbs in English and Hindi

Understanding the various types of Adverbs enhances your command of both English and Hindi Grammar. Each type answers a different question about the verb, adjective, or adverb it modifies. Let’s explore these types in detail.

  1. Adverbs of Manner (तरिके के क्रिया विशेषण)
    These Adverbs describe how an action is performed. They usually answer the question “how?” or “in what manner?” In English, common examples include words like “quickly,” “slowly,” “carefully,” or “happily.”
  1. Example in English: “She sang beautifully.”
  2. Example in Hindi: “वह खूबसूरती से गाती थी।” (Woh khoobsurti se gaati thi.)
    Here, “beautifully” and “खूबसूरती से” are Adverbs that describe how the action of singing is done.
  3. Adverbs of Time (समय के क्रिया विशेषण)
    Adverbs of time indicate when an action occurs. They answer the question “when?” Common examples include “yesterday,” “today,” “soon,” and “always.”
  1. Example in English: “She will arrive tomorrow.”
  2. Example in Hindi: “वह कल आएगी।” (Woh kal aayegi.)
    In this case, “tomorrow” and “कल” are Adverbs modifying the time of arrival.
  3. Adverbs of Place (स्थान के क्रिया विशेषण)
    These Adverbs describe where the action occurs, answering the question “where?” Common examples are “here,” “there,” “everywhere,” and “nowhere.”
  1. Example in English: “They are waiting outside.”
  2. Example in Hindi: “वे बाहर इंतजार कर रहे हैं।” (Ve baahar intezaar kar rahe hain.)
    The words “outside” and “बाहर” tell us where the waiting is happening, making them Adverbs of place.
  3. Adverbs of Frequency (बारंबारता के क्रिया विशेषण)
    Adverbs of frequency describe how often an action takes place, answering “How often?” Words like “always,” “never,” “often,” and “sometimes” are examples in English.
  1. Example in English: “He always wakes up early.”
  2. Example in Hindi: “वह हमेशा जल्दी उठता है।” (Woh hamesha jaldi uthta hai.)
    Here, “always” and “हमेशा,” tell us the frequency of the action.
  3. Adverbs of Degree (मात्रा के क्रिया विशेषण)
    These Adverbs describe the intensity or degree of an action, answering the question “to what extent?” Words like “very,” “quite,” “too,” and “almost” fall into this category.
  1. Example in English: “She was extremely happy.”
  2. Example in Hindi: “वह अत्यंत खुश थी।” (Woh atyant khush thi.)
    The Adverbs “extremely” and “अत्यंत” intensify the degree of happiness.

Functions of Adverbs in Grammar

In the broader scope of Grammar, Adverbs play a vital role in sentence structure and meaning. They provide clarity and depth to sentences, allowing speakers and writers to express themselves more precisely. Without adverbs, communication could become overly simplistic and lack detail.

For example, consider the sentence “He ran.” While grammatically correct, it leaves much to the imagination. By adding an Adverb, such as “He ran quickly,” the sentence now offers a clearer image of how the action took place. Similarly, in Hindi, “वह दौड़ा” becomes much more descriptive when modified as “वह तेज दौड़ा” (He ran fast).

Another critical function of Adverbs in both English and Hindi is their ability to modify adjectives. By altering the intensity or degree of an adjective, Adverbs add nuance. For example:

  • English: “She is very smart.”
  • Hindi: “वह बहुत समझदार है।”
    Here, “very” and “बहुत” amplify the adjective, providing a better understanding of how smart she is.

Common Challenges with Adverbs in Hindi and English

For learners of either English or Hindi, Adverbs can sometimes pose challenges, especially when translating from one language to the other. This is often due to differences in word order and the flexibility of sentence construction.

In English, Adverbs typically follow a rigid placement rule. They are usually placed near the word they modify. For example, “He sings well” cannot easily become “Well he sings” without altering the natural flow of the sentence. However, Hindi offers more flexibility, allowing Adverbs to appear at different points within the sentence without losing meaning. For instance, “वह गाता है अच्छे से” and “वह अच्छे से गाता है” both mean “He sings well.”

Another area of difficulty arises in the use of adverbs of frequency. In English, sentences like “I always eat breakfast” follow a clear structure. However, in Hindi, the same sentence might be translated in multiple ways: “मैं हमेशा नाश्ता करता हूँ” or “मैं नाश्ता हमेशा करता हूँ.” Both versions are grammatically correct, but their slight difference in tone can confuse learners.

How to Master Adverbs in Hindi and English

Mastering the use of Adverbs in both English and Hindi requires understanding their purpose and how they interact with other elements of Grammar. The key is practice—recognizing where and how to use them to add clarity, specificity, or emphasis to a sentence.

For learners of Hindi, focusing on word order and recognizing the types of Adverbs can help improve comprehension. It’s also beneficial to read texts in both languages, noting how native speakers use Adverbs to modify their sentences. By doing so, learners can familiarize themselves with different sentence structures and their meanings.


In both English and Hindi, Adverbs play an indispensable role in enhancing the richness of language. By modifying verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs, they provide the detail and nuance needed to express ideas more effectively. Understanding What is Adverb and mastering its use within the framework of Grammar allows for more precise and dynamic communication in any language. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, grasping the concept of Adverbs will undoubtedly improve your fluency and comprehension in both English and Hindi.

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